Data validation
Automatic data verification at all stages of drilling works guarantees geodatabase integrity

Verification at loading data to geodatabase
To create wellbore geometries, the text files of .inc, .las, .lst and .txt formats are used. To create formations, wellbore geometries, etc. from clipboard the xls-tables of predefined structure are used. Each geoprocessing tool has its own structure of the input .csv and .xls files.
If the format of the input file does not match with the appropriate WellTracking sample, the warning message appears and the data loading process is blocked.

Protection from data duplication
WellTracking geodatabase should contain unique objects only, i.e. there should not be lease areas with the same names or pads with the same numbers, etc. So, to avoid such cases, the system verifies the uniqueness of names and numbers during geodatabase objects editing.

Verification of geometry
During creation or update of any object with WellTracking, its geometry is verified. For example, when creating a well sequence, the system verifies whether its geometry crosses the appropriate pad area. During creation of a target-point it is checked whether it occurs in the buffer zone of the adjacent target-points.

Verification of attributes
Verification of matching of user geodatabase with structure of sample geodatabase allows to avoid input of incorrect data to attribute tables of feature classes during their editing.

Verification before data deletion
All features in the geodatabase relate to each other. You will not be able to delete any feature that is logically related with other features stored in the WellTracking geodatabase. For example, you will not be able to delete a pad area without preliminary deletion of the appropriate well row and all wells drilled there.